Passive 3D Customized Solutions

Passive 3D Projection systems for Mini Cinema Halls and Large Home Cinema Theaters with different Customized Solutions as per Client requirement.

“While we and our customers are extremely happy with the performances of the regular B.E.S.T Passive 3D solution, we have figured out that having a more powerful solution in our product portfolio would help equip some larger venues”.

There is no active shuttering with the B.E.S.T. (Bi-Efficiency Stereo Transmitter) systems. As a result, the perception of the 3D images is smooth and the spectators will feel more comfortable in the long run. This drastically reduces the eye strain and avoids the headaches or nauseas that may sometimes happen during an active 3D projection. Thanks to the absence of embedded electronics and battery, the 3D passive glasses are ten times lighter than the 3D active glasses.

Passive 3D is also a cost-effective solution, due to the lower cost of ownership of the glasses. “Whereas active 3D is perfect for small audiences, passive 3D technology shall be considered when there is a bigger audience and a limited budget”.

The Very BEST 3D Passive system kit is a renewed optimized polarization modulator with even higher picture clarity and the fastest switching speed on the market. Thanks to the larger redesigned window, its now possible to watch passive 3D pictures in the true cinemascope format, using the best anamorphic lens available.

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